Thursday, May 6, 2010

TTC TV on TLC - What a mouthful!

If you haven't heard of it yet, theres an interesting show (or mini-series, I suppose) that might help you feel like you're not the only one out there with infertility problems.'s new web-only series called "The Conception Story" follows six women through their trying-to-conceive journeys.  So far, there are only introduction clips for each of the women, along with profile stories in their blogs, but it promises to grow into a pretty amazing thing.  The stories are all rather touching, and its wonderful to hear women talk about their infertility issues while letting other infertile women know that they're not alone.

Each of the women is keeping a TTC blog and the series will unfold in real time as these couples send video footage to TLC, the network edits it, and posts it a few days later. The women are of varying ages, and have had different fertility experiences thus far across the board, from the 25 year old doctor, Angel, trying for her first to the stay-at-home mom, Amber, whose first child came as a surprise and whose second child hasn't come at all, after almost 3 years of trying.

Its a pretty interesting series, but I was disappointed to read in the New York Times that the whole thing was a an idea for an advertising stunt from First Response Pregnancy Tests. My hope, however, is that this series about such an intimate and personal subject will become something larger than what it starts out as.  I mean really, how could it not?

If you've seen any TTC related tv lately, let me know! I'd love to here what else is out there!

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