Monday, February 22, 2010

Fertility Supplements - Vitamins & Minerals to Aid Conception

There are a lot of pills, diets, and vitamin supplements out there that say they help with fertility in one way or another.  It's a lot to take in, and a lot of potential research to find the right one(s) for you and your partner.  To help you out, I've made this little list of vitamins and minerals that I've heard good things about with links to more information for the curious.  I hope this helps! :)

Zinc - Found mostly in meat.  Especially good for men with low sperm count. Also has a positive effect on hormone levels in women. (But consult a doctor before taking large doses of it.)

Vitamin A and Vitamin C and Vitamin E  - Found in fruits and veggies. Antioxidants like these promote healthy cell structure and protect sperm and egg's DNA.  These vitamins can greatly increase male fertility, and are also essential for healthy fetal development.

Evening Primrose Oil - Rich in essential fatty acids, it improves the quality of cervical mucus  (and helps with menstrual pains as a bonus).

Vitamin B6 - Found in whole grains, beans, and meat. Helps to regulate the luteal phase of womens' fertility cycle.

Vitamin B12 - Found in meat. Improves sperm count and quality. Deficiency has been linked to early fetal loss.

Folic Acid - With B12, helps protect the developing baby's genetic code, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. 

If you're a vegetarian or vegan, or if you don't eat much meat, you may have noticed that a couple of these are only found reliably in meat (B12 and Zinc).  But fear not! B12 and zinc fortified foods like veggi-burgers and soy milk are out there, just be sure to look for it on the labels.  Or take a vitamin. :)  (Learn more about B12 here, and more about zinc here)

For a good fertility focused vitamin blend, you might look into Fertilaid. They make fertility supplements with a lot of this good stuff in it for men and for women. 

Good luck, and eat healthy!

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